Grass Spider Facts & Information

Grass spiders are common in gardens and yards, known for their funnel-shaped webs. While these spiders are not aggressive or dangerous to humans, their presence can be unsettling, especially when their webs accumulate in outdoor spaces.

grass spider


What You Need To Know About Grass Spiders

What do grass spiders look like?

Grass spiders are small to medium-sized arachnids, typically measuring between 1/2 to 3/4 inch in body length. They have light brown bodies with two distinctive dark stripes running down their backs and long, slender legs that allow them to move quickly. Their spinnerets, used for web production, are particularly noticeable, extending beyond their abdomen.

What do grass spiders eat?

Grass spiders are insectivores, primarily feeding on small insects and other arthropods that become trapped in their webs. They capture a wide range of prey, including flies, ants, and beetles, making them helpful in controlling pest populations.

What sort of habitat do grass spiders live in?

Grass spiders build funnel-shaped webs in grassy areas, shrubs, ground covers, and sometimes near the foundation of homes. They prefer open, outdoor environments such as gardens, lawns, and fields. Their webs often span across grass or low vegetation, providing the perfect trap for their prey.

How do grass spiders commonly behave?

Grass spiders are fast-moving and highly reclusive, spending most of their time hidden within their webs. They rarely venture far from their funnel web, where they wait for insects to fall into the trap. Although they are shy and avoid human interaction, they may bite if handled, though their venom is not considered medically significant.

Did you know this about grass spiders?

Despite their small size and non-aggressive nature, grass spiders are incredible hunters. Their funnel-shaped webs allow them to quickly ambush prey, which they drag into their funnel retreat. These spiders are also capable of moving at remarkable speeds, making them highly efficient predators in gardens and lawns.

Understanding Grass Spider Infestations

Understanding grass spider infestations is important for effective control. These spiders are typically brown or gray with distinctive dark stripes on their bodies. They are most active in the late summer and fall, building large, sheet-like webs with a funnel-shaped retreat where the spider hides. Grass spiders are fast-moving and often remain outdoors, but they can occasionally wander inside homes in search of shelter.

grass spider on web

How Hearts Handles Grass Spider Treatment

Hearts Pest Management employs an integrated pest management approach to handle Grass Spider infestations.

Grass Spider Inspection

Our inspection process identifies the key areas where grass spiders are active, including gardens, lawns, and the perimeter of your home.

Grass Spider Treatment

Treatment at Hearts is focused on non-invasive methods like environmental cleanup and exclusion techniques.

Grass Spider Prevention

Prevention strategies include maintaining a tidy outdoor space and sealing entry points to reduce the chance of spiders wandering indoors.

Educational Resources

We provide informative materials empowering homeowners with insights into grass spider control and prevention methodologies.
grass spider in funnel web

Think You Might Have a Grass Spider Infestation?